Day 1 --10 minutes for calling roll and handing out the QuickStart Guide. If you missed getting one, be sure to pick one up on Monday.
Day 2 -- Picture Day--more time-consuming in some classes than in others. However, I think that all AP students managed to do the "(fictional) world I'd like to live in" quickwrite. However, some of you did not have time to complete a careful reading and annotation of the Seaums Heaney poem on the back of that sheet. Please do this for Monday.
Day 3 --
- Assigned: Self-Definition --due Wednesday, Sept. 11. I talked all classes through this assignment first, and then distributed the actual written assignment. But because of my absence yesterday and the copy room mayhem, I didn't have hand-outs for 1st period, but you can access it here. No need to print it out; I'll give them to you on Monday. Here's the link: Self-Definition
- Students checked out the main textbook from the bookroom. You do NOT need to bring this book to class for awhile, but there will be reading assigned to you. The first chunk is "Writing about Literature" (1-58), due next Friday, Sept. 13, in case you have any compelling wish to get started on this right away.
And finally, other school supplies--
Both the QuickStart Guide and the message on the board got you started:
- Black or dark blue pens
- Loose-leaf notebook paper
- A pen of some other color than blue or black--green, red, purple, or even something more exotic. Your choice
- Highlighter (any color)
- Notebook--This is the place for taking on-going class notes and for doing requested on-the-spot prep work that will not be handed in. You need to have it with you and out on your desk every day. Choices here--conventional spiral notebook, binder with loose-leaf paper, marble-cover composition book, etc.
- A folder to keep hand-outs in, many of which you need to retain for the whole year (or at least until after the AP test!)
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