Monday, September 30, 2013

First draft personal essays were due--typed, properly formatted, and printed--and exchanged for the peer response session.  Most people had papers. 

  • Those who were absent (for whatever reason) as well as those who did not have papers today (for whatever reason) must still pick up a peer response form in class tomorrow and both provide and receive suggestions from a classmate.  No additional class time will be provided for this. If possible, work within your own class period; if not, someone in another section of mine will be okay.  
  • MANY people did not follow all of the formatting requirements,  and a surprising number neglected multiple elements.  Significant points will be deducted on the final copy for the errors we went over today.  But that is still a small price to pay compared to having college applications. job applications, or on-the-job projects rejected for non-compliance.  Instructions matter.
  • I might have been inconsistent with st period, since I was talking with individuals as they brought papers up; it worked betterin 5th when I asked students to double-check specific items and note errors on their own papers. 
  • People who were absent simply need to follow the original instructions; nothing new was added that wasn't already provided to you.
For several reasons, the Tess final timed write will be on Wednesday rather than on Tuesday.

Starting Thursday, expect to have your Perrine textbook with you every day for the next 2-plus weeks.

If you want to work ahead tonight, start the next chapter (p. 59 or 60?).  Read the pages very carefully that lead up to the two stories.  Much as I wish we could spend time on them, we can't.  If you're a fast reader, it will be to your benefit. But for sure, pick up again at the very end of that chapter (after the two stories) with the basic questions to ask about literature.  We'll add Setting to the mix, but after a couple weeks with Tess, you probably knew that.

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