Monday, September 16, 2013

For Friday and Monday

I apologize for Friday's missing post.

First there was a short homework check slip.We utilized the prep questions on Thursday's blog as the discussion guide for Friday's class, with a bit of time here and there to compare notes/lists in informal groups.  We did not complete Phase the First (or the listed questions) by any means, and progress varied between the two sections.

Week-end Homework--the previously announced reading in Perrine's Lit, specifically outlined earlier in the week.

We never discuss all that could be brought out of a section, but we evened up the varied coverage between 1st and 5th periods and in both classes got near the end.  We will focus on Wednesday on the scene in the Chase, because that is probably the most pivotal single scene in the novel. But it could well be that we will manage to get Phase the Second underway.

Thursday--Phase the Second      (know that I am skipping certain kinds of things even apart from
Friday--Phase the Third                     passage analysis because we be coming back to Tess in April)

The counselors will be here to discuss the college application process and other topics that concern first-semester seniors.  It will probably take enough of the class period that you aren't obligated to have any books with you.  If there are a few minutes at the end, I know exactly a non-Tess, non-Perrine activity that I'll tuck in to make good use of our time.

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