Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday and Wednesday

Counselors in all senior classes to discuss the details of the college application process.  See the Counseling Office website for the video and various other information and necessary forms.

Students received a Class Hand-out on the timing and basic details of the English class connection to the Senior Culminating Project. I thought the links it contained would remain live, but they did not.  
Although all of this information can be accessed from the College and Career Center website, I'm including two important links here:

You can access the Resume Handbook here:

You can access the full details on the Senior Culminating Project here:

Note that last year's due date has not been updated on that site:  this year's date is Monday, Oct. 14!
But as noted on the class hand-out, the date for clearing your work with me is a few days earlier--Oct. 10.

Personal Esay
I also hit the highlights:  everyone does one, there will be a peer response as part of the process, and you are strongly discouraged from dealing with the 4 D's:  Divorce, Disease, Depression, and Death.

One option will be to select the University of Washington "personal statement" choices A or B.
You many also choose a topic from the Common Application. You'll be able to utilize Common App choices 1-5 without prior approval, and Common App #6 IF you get permission before you begin to write.  The best uses for #6 are to substitute a true essay topic from a non-Common App school where you actually intend to apply.  You can't use #6 for short blurbs on various topics (WSU 's app, for example) or for an essay that essentially describes what you would bring to a particular college or university and how an education from that school would benefit you. .

All of these topics will be printed out on the full assignment sheet, along with dates and a few more tips, in the next day or two.  But you can start thinking now.

We'll briefly discuss particular insights from the choices students made concerning the sentence that best conveys Hardy's attitude toward Tess, and then mostly deal with Phase the Second on Thursday.
We will stop wherever we get, and work with Phase the Third on Friday.
There will be a different strategy for 4-7,with  because in this first pass through Tess, we're going to finish up by Tuesday (in class), with an in-class final essay either Thursday or Friday next week

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