Monday, March 17, 2014

Hand-out--the Epic
Epic simile: quick lay-out on "in bulk as huge as . . . " returned; a second one practiced.
Discussion of further "language" ways that Satan's power/individuality/"presence" is reinforced

"Hymn to Light" Summa-phrase turned in (the first 55 lines of Book III)
Read full instructions on Friday's post if you were absent or simply did not do it but would prefer late credit to a 0.


  • 1st--Study the rest of the Paradise Lost hand-out; study/find the Frankenstein passages referred to on the back of the epic hand-out and  bring Frankenstein to class tomorrow.
  • 5th--I won't see you tomorrow, but on Wednesday both classes will be receiving a significant assignment.  You should have this done for sure for Wednesday.

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