Thursday, March 27, 2014

Read to the end . . .

First draft essays due in class and on; peer response done during class.  Anyone who missed that step must both DO a peer response and have your own paper read and responded to by someone in my class. (If your own section does not work out, I will allow a 1st/5th period swap.)

Step One (whole class poem) of group work and jigsaw rotation teaching for 16th /17th century poetry.  We will be doing this for 18th/19th century poetry and for modern/contemporary selections as well.  Today's work was on John Donne's "The Flea"; we will take a short time (7-10 min. max) tomorrow to wrap this up.
Then onward to the packet and your group's poem.

The revised essay ("final draft") is due.  It really is.  And you will have a better week-end if you just get that done.
But I have become increasingly aware of more people (besides Dance) who will be gone tomorrow and will thus get an automatic extension. And the fashion show has required some extra time from some of you.  And for many of us, public responsibilities always seem to take priority over private ones, however important those other obligations may be.  Also, though there will be a 4th quarter out of class essay after the AP test, this is is a very significant 3rd quarter grade, and it's the 3rd quarter grade that will determine valedictorians (earliest ever cut-off). Regardless of potential valedictorian status, though, I want all of you to do your best.
So--if your essay is on by Sunday night (11:59) AND the hard copy with you in class on Monday, no late penalty points will be applied.

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