Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Worked together with Donne's "Batter My Heart . . " and Shakespeare's "When to the Sessions. . ."
If you have not read (thoroughly; reflected on) all of the poems in the packet, absolutely do so.
And if you were absent for all or part of the period today (Blood Drive or other reasons), make sure to seek around for guidance!   And yes, bring Perrine.


  • Bring the Crime and Punishment sheet that was to be annotated for today. You don't need the actual book in class on Wednesday
  • READ: Chapters 1-3

If you don't have a book yet, use the following e-text version to get started:

(I promise you you do NOT want to read the entire book online, though. A couple of people downloaded it to a Kindle last year, but they really did run into some problems in finding what they needed for various purposes.)

SCHEDULE for Crime and Punishment
There will be multi-tasking through much of this time, though, so reading ahead (esp. over break if you're not totally tied up in world travel!) is encouraged.

Part                      Completed By Date
I                            Friday, April 4
II                           Monday, April 14
III                         Thursday, April 17
IV                         Monday, April 21
V                          Thursday, April 24  
VI-VII                  Monday, April 28
Epilogues              Tuesday, April 29                    

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