Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Review your Poetry Terms hand-out for following terms and
compare them to what’s in Perrine:

HAND-OUT                                     PERRINE page
Rhyme                                               856
End-stopped                                     857
Enjambment                                     “run-on” p. 857
Free verse                                          857
Meter                                                 858
Poetic foot                                        859, defn.; chart, 860
Scansion                                            See terms for number of feet,
                                                               p. 860; also defn. p. 861
Blank verse                                       870

At some point, you should also double-check the definitions
as written in the glossary at the end of the Perrine text.

Using these basic terms from the review sheet and the chapter, table groups categorized the poems listed in #1 on p. 870 as blank verse, free verse, or "other."  Results varied widely . . . TBC.

Continue reading Crime and Punishment.  Get as close as you can to being done with Part III as scheduled.

However, I do want you to reinforce today's work with some short homework on p. 880.  
Do #1 as stated:  choose ONE poem of the ones listed.  You will need to copy it out, find an online copy and print it out, or use a scanner to scan the poem from the book.  Then do what the directions say for that one poem.

For #2, you only need to work with TWO poems instead of all five. You shouldn't have to copy out the poems to accomplish what the directions ask you to do.  Again, you will only need to respond to two of them.

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