Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Admin visit to discuss graduation logistics.
Group-based discussion of some key ideas generated by the TITLES of all three of these works.  They have been on the board for two days . . . not copying them over here now.

Song of Solomon people--time to work on the timeline for the novel.  **Please look back at the ground-rules given for timelines in the May 23rd post. What applied to the Fences timeline also applies to Song of Solomon.  These are due on Friday (start of Friday--no worktime then.)

The plays people--You received the power-point group component, and after a bit of spirited decision-making, each group was matched up with a set of questions.  I am linking just that list here, but I can't tell you which group is doing what from memory. (I need to get that written down tomorrow!)
Power-point topics for the plays
Tomorrow, Friday, and Monday will be full-period work time on these.  After that, however, the time is very fractured.

Everyone receives the final packet, all things pulled together.  Four parts:
I--Timeline (done or will be soon).
II--Group Powerpoint--plays already assigned; S of S will get their passage choices tomorrow.
III--Essay topics (individual component)
IV--Final Exam:  ONLY the novel or the two plays.  Scantron.  Over and done.

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