Monday, May 19, 2014

For both Fences and Song of Solomon people, please refer to this site for some background information on major court cases, legislation, and events that shaped the era covered by Fences and by Milkman's adolescence and young adulthood:

For sure, check out Brown v Board of Education, the Civil Rights Act of 1957, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Browse as you wish; know what's there in case you find a need for it later on.
Fences--pay special attention to the sports figures mentioned (esp. for baseball). LOOK UP names you do not know about.
For both works--pay special attention to the military--reference to former pilots, soldiers, people who join the military in the course of the work, etc.

Song of Solomon people received a hand-out containing detailed Ch. 1 questions to use as a "then and now" comparison/contrast.  Use this series of close questions/observations re: Chapter 1 as a springboard for figuring out what we can now understand about the people, the motivations, and the prior actions that seemed so puzzling or even "random" in this first chapter, especially at the start of the chapter.

S of S:  Discussion tomorrow.  Individual accountability expected.

  • It's not all clear yet, but review Ch. 2-7 to make sure you realize how things match up.  
  • Utilize the back of the sheet to make sure you're not missing specific areas to be noting/tracking/and pondering.  
  • Add to the list of suggest symbols/motifs (earlier hand-out; sliding board today) if you can.  There are some things omitted so far!
  • Continue with Ch. 8 if you feel secure up to this point
  • Be prepared for some free-ranging questions and discussion on Tuesday!!
Fences: Significant whole-group discussion on WEDNESDAY.
  • Be finished with the play by class-time tomorrow.
  • During the first part of class tomorrow, you'll be working together to fine-tune your responses to questions #3 and #4 on p. 1623. 
  • That should go quickly, because you've had time to prepare your own contribution.
  • There will be a new "joint" step tomorrow.

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