Thursday, November 14, 2013

The second day on the passages from "Sonny's Blues."  I thought we might finish, but people are finding good things to say about each passage.  Be sure that everyone notes the definition of MOTIF, a recurring element (idea, thing, pattern of imagery, even repetitive actions, and more) that occur throughout a literary work.  We're in the process of listing quite a few for Baldwin's story--continue thinking of them on your own beyond what we might have done in your particular section today.

1st period time line folks, please try to get that on the board before class officially starts.
Map people in both classes, please be prepared to share briefly.

Everyone in both classes--please read passages 10 and 11.  If it's been awhile since you read the story, it's worth re-reading the whole Greenwich Village part at the end of the story. I will still pause briefly for in-class annotations, and I'll expect some additions as we talk, but though this section is essential to our work with the story, I do want you to be as concise as possible in our discussion without losing insight into this key portion. 

During class--
1) the passages
2) one MC passage you'll do on your own
3) group discussion and a "group version" of the same passage

If you don't have Heart of Darkness yet, be acquiring it posthaste.  Next week you will get Metamorphosis, which will come from the bookroom.   But we'll get started on Heart of Darkness the Tuesday/Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

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