Monday, November 18, 2013

First period went over the Baldwin excerpt in groups; 3rd will do that tomorrow (or possibly Wednesday).

Also today--some reading time for a headstart on tonight's homework:
Perrine Chapter 8--Evaluating Fiction (394-397)

Two stories follow this section, both dealing with the general subject of matchmaking:
Elizabeth Berg, "The Matchmaker" (398-408)
Bernard Malamud, "The Magic Barrel" (409-423)

In class, you were assigned (according to new seating arrangement) to start one or the other of these stories.

FOR HOMEWORK TONIGHT--do both bullet points.
  • Finish the one you started in class, and write careful notes responding to the questions following that story (p. 408 for Berg; pp.423-424 for Malamud)
  • THEN, just read the other story.  (You're welcome to glance over the questions, of course, but no written responses necessary.)
This work will be utilized in class tomorrow.

ALSO--bring your ID card with you.  You'll be picking up Metamorphosis from the bookroom.

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