Thursday, October 3, 2013

Students received the hand-out concerning the final draft of the personal essay.  Pick it up from the bookshelf tomorrow and HEED what's written there.

Some annotating on the first page of a story by John Steinbeck, "The Chrysanthemums."  We began discussing it (no writing this time)--got through several paragraphs in 1st but not done with the first in 5th!  You'll get the whole story tomorrow.

Read at least the substantive part of the Perrine text that I outlined a day or two ago (sans page numbers, because my book was at school) concerning Chapter One: Reading the Story.  This will seem like review--you've been reading stories nearly all your life; however, trust me when I say that the discussion in the next several chapters concerning elements of fiction will serve you well throughout the course.

So--read carefully pp. 61-67 AND pp. 101-103.  You'll refer to these questions so often they will become automatic. Do this for tomorrow, for sure.

As for the stories in between ("The Most Dangerous Game" and "Hunters in the Snow")--read them.  Yes, read them.  But read them as you would a story in Atlantic or the New Yorker (what?  you mean you don't regularly read those?) :)  We are not "studying" these stories, but they make a very important point.  And wedged into the next 4-5 school days, make time to read them in addition to the other day-to-day work.  The board said something about "skimming," but that really doesn't work here.

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