Monday, October 14, 2013

Correction! Correction! Correction!

CORRECTION for SAT Start Time on Wednesday:
Precisely for the reason given in this message below from the counselors' office, I was misinformed (no, actually just UNinformed) about the correct SAT start time. It's 7:30 a.m.
Seniors taking the SAT will receive personal directions today or tomorrow. They must be in the 2300 hallway, ready to check into their assigned room by 7:30am SHARP. Only 83 seniors of 460 are taking the test, so I’m not widely broadcasting instructions, but rather pulling seniors out to inform them.
Further information you need to know: The Common App system is having major issues.
No need to detail everything people have experienced, but it's been enough to cause an entire article in the New York Times: Online Application Woes (Common App)

The College and Career Center recommends several things that I'll list out soon, but chief among them is SUBMIT EARLY.  Also, "like" the Common App Facebook page so that you will get updated information regarding on-going changes in procedures, directions, and deadlines.

Finished.  Miss. Brill.
1st period moved on briefly to the Plot/Structure chapter and the Munro story "How I Met My Husband" (see week-end post).  Results showed a shaky Monday morning all around. We will start afresh tomorrow.  5th period was just enough later getting to this point that we didn't have a chance to try.
  • Realize that all the terms in bold in your book are bolded for a reason:  they are important to know.
  • Insofar as the actual components of "normal" plot structure is concerned, a variety of terms and break-points are sometimes discussed.  We'll briefly look at a couple of other options.
  • Think about--that is, seriously consider--the structure of Munro's story. How are the parts put together?  How does structure affect other components mentioned in ChapterTwo?
  • If you have not yet read BOTH of the articles about Munro/Munro's work linked to prior posts, DO SO.

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