Wednesday, June 4, 2014

PowerPoint Links--Updated and Important!!

Updated Thursday afternoon in three important ways:

1) EVERYONE needs to make sure that you have carefully read the essay instructions on the two-page stapled hand-out.  If you have lost it, go back to the Post-Prom Edition  post and follow the link.  I did not give a precise word length on those instructions, but I've done so verbally.  This essay should be about 800 words . .  . max out at 1000!  5th period essays MUST be on by class time tomorrow.
The key thing to note is that this is NOT a "timed-write" in the 40-minute closed-book sense.  It is a "real" out-of-class essay that merely begins with an AP prompt.  

2) I added one more Song of Solomon power-point from first period that had inadvertently been left out of the Dropbox folder.   5th period people, you should definitely read that one as well.  It's the one now marked "1st."

3)  Moving forward:  No written proof, but I promise reading the powerpoints for your work(s)  will be the best preparation you can do for the test.  Collectively, they cover much more than any one group was able to do.
  • Tomorrow in 1st each group will present (in abbreviated form) the powerpoints from your own class. Before your test, you need to have read them all carefully.  
  • 5th--as indicated in class today, we will give Group 4 the floor at the first of the hour for their highlights.  (You should have read through it in advance, though.)

The 5th period people finished the powerpoints; there's one that still needs the actual attachment to go with the "Here it is!" email.  (Is there anyone who hasn't forgotten to attach the attachment at some point in your computer life?)

And I'll be creating new links tomorrow when the 1st period powerpoints are officially due.  That's by class time tomorrow, so they will be available by

FOR THE NOVEL:  Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon

Powerpoints as of 3:30 on Wednesday  The first period SofS did not get uploaded yesterday--there was a naming glitch and I missed it.  Sorry (it was definitely in on time). 

FOR THE PLAYS:  Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie and August Wilson's Fences

Play powerpoints as of 3:30 on Wednesday  Actually, this is updated as of 11:30 on Thursday. Powerpoints I've added since then are included in the same folder. I just don't want to create a new link.

What everyone needs to do next:

READ the powerpoints for either the plays or the novel, depending on what you've been doing. Read all of them, please. There will be some brief written response (form for that tomorrow), mostly to verify that you've read them as part of your study prep for the exam on these works.

5th period:  I am going to ask people tomorrow to share "highlights" of your slide show.  I don't want you to go through the whole thing and just read it; you'll be asked to discuss and defend the aspect of the presentation that you think is the most significant in terms of the work as a whole, or perhaps the thing you are most proud of (in terms of insight/understanding, etc.)  Be thinking about that.

1st:  We might utilize part of tomorrow, and for sure some time on Friday to do what I just described for 5th.

BOTH: I'll give you the quick review form tomorrow.

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