Thursday, January 16, 2014

Timed write (HoD native woman passage); make up ASAP if you missed it.

Read Act III of A Doll House.

Think through the following shorter, more focused questions for Acts II and III.

Act II
1. As Act II opens, what are your feelings on seeing the stripped, ragged Christmas tree? How is it suggestive?
2. What events that soon occur make Nora's situation even more difficult?
3. How does she try to save herself?
4. Why does Nora fling herself into the wild tarantella?

1. For what possible reasons does Mrs. Linde pledge herself to Krogstad?
2.  How does Dr. Rank's announcement of his impending death affect Nora?  How about Helmer?
3. What is Helmer's reaction to learning the truth about Nora's misdeed?  Why does he blame Nora's father?  What is revealing (of Helmer's own character) in his remark, "From now on, there can be no question of happiness. All we can do is save the bits and pieces from the wreck, preserve appearances . . .."? [translation may vary slightly in your current text]
4. When Helmer finds that Krogstad has sent back the note, what is his response?  how do you feel toward him"
5. How does the character of Nora develop in this at?
6. How do you interpret her final slamming of the door?

These questions are a "given"--though we might discuss a couple of the "opinion" ones briefly, most are aimed at making sure you've followed the nuts and bolts.

The Meatier Stuff
Questions 5-12 in your text (p. 1155) are excellent.  I can't improve on them.  For tomorrow, it will be enough to focus for sure on 5-7

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